Mark Marble was always passionate about helping people overcome the restraints of their disabilities. He was going through his usual work day at Rehab of the Pacific, when he came across a case that would change his life forever. Car accident survivor Richard Julian came in for his first day of rehab. O’ahu local and avid lover of the water, even though he was struggling to walk and move, what scared Julian the most was the daunting reality that he may never get to surf and experience the ocean the same ever again.
But with his new friend Mark, Richard Julian was able to surf once again; and the pair wanted to help others do the same.
Julian was just as passionate about helping other ocean lovers like him get back in the water as well, so Richard Julian and Mark Marble came up with a plan, and through their partnership came AccesSurf. What started with a few people dedicated to helping Richard get back in the ocean over the years became over 300 people dedicated to getting as many people, of any age, with any disability, able to experience the ocean. This month, AccesSurf celebrates its 18 year anniversary; their 18th year of helping ocean lovers get back in the water after experiencing the unimaginable.
AccesSurf is a volunteer dependent, nonprofit organization that helps people of any disability experience the ocean, free of cost. Whether it’s a brain injury, paralysis or simply just a fear of the ocean, anyone can experience the healing effects of the ocean and freedom from whatever restraints they might have.
With the growing number of volunteers and the progression of new technologies, AccesSurf has been able to help more and more people take power over their disability and do what they once thought was impossible. In the first couple of years, AccesSurf only had around 20 team members and no access to the Mobi-Chair technology. Now, AccesSurf has hundreds of volunteers per event, with many different types of chairs, flotation devices, and surfboards.
Not only are volunteer numbers growing, but also, even more rapidly, the participant numbers are growing. And with the growth of AccesSurf participants surpassing the growth of AccesSurf volunteers comes the challenge of keeping up with so many participants, with limited numbers of volunteers and team members.
AccesSurf holds its Day at the Beach event on the first Saturday of every month, and their Wounded Warriors event on the third Wednesday of every month. Being a one of a kind organization, people from all over the United States plan trips just to make it to an AccesSurf event, some of whom have never even touched the ocean before. But with many of their participants living on O’ahu, some participants even get the opportunity to eventually serve as volunteers and help others just like themselves.
What sets AccesSurf apart from other organizations is the number of people it has served and the quality of help it can deliver. The hundreds of volunteers and the small staff play a huge role in the AccesSurf community, and as many of the team members will say, they are “part of an ohana.” Even people who have only volunteered at a few AccesSurf events will say the same thing.
“AccesSurf makes sure that the participants and the volunteers feel as comfortable as possible during their time at the event. They let volunteers choose where they get to help out, so when I wasn’t able to paddle a participant on a surfboard, I could go help elsewhere, like the beach or in the swimming area,” said Ginger Matusiak, a volunteer. “No matter how a person is involved, whether it’s a volunteer, a participant or a staff member; AccesSurf events are always a meaningful experience.”
“I am fortunate enough to have been in positions, on the beach and now on staff, where I feel like not one event goes by where I don’t have a teary eyed moment.” said Angie Atkins, a staff member. “The AccesSurf ohana is home to so many impactful, tear jerking moments. And when something happens to one person, everyone goes through it together.”
This is apparent in the story of AccesSurf legend, Buster. Buster is a United States military veteran, who then was a firefighter. He was always passionate about staying healthy so that he could serve others, including those at AccesSurf. Unfortunately, Buster was diagnosed with a degenerative disease, but despite his progressing disabilities, he is still one of AccesSurf’s top volunteers and ambassadors, and because of AccesSurf he is still able to get out in the ocean and catch waves.
Buster’s story is a prime example of the passion behind AccesSurf and their mission. Just like Richard Julian, Buster not only wants to support and be a part of AccesSurf to help himself, but to also help and inspire others like him. Richard, Julian and Buster don’t let their disabilities stop them from accomplishing their own goals, but also help others with disabilities achieve their own. This is the exact passion and spirit that makes the AccesSurf ohana what it is today. It is also the same passion and spirit that has kept AccesSurf running and growing for 18 years.