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Rising Costs Of Student Housing In Paradise

Rising Costs Of Student Housing In Paradise

When Ami Sagara got accepted to the University of Hawai’i as a freshman, she was ecstatic about starting her future in “paradise.” Sagara is an out-of-state student, and as such was able to secure housing in the freshman dorms.

Seasons passed and by the end of her first term, there was an announcement by Student Housing Services on October 3 that by January 24, 2024, there would be a 3-year rate increase to all on-campus rent. With her second term approaching, students like Sagara were filled with anxiety about what the future held for them as their financial situation remained uncertain.

“I didn’t know what I was going to do after freshman year since I was planning to move to one of the less expensive housing plans in the lower campus,” she said. “But now with the prices rising, I had to think of something else.”

Students seeking to study and live in Hawai’i are often disappointed by the reality of housing costs, particularly on O’ahu, home to the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa. With over 20,000 students attending as of 2023, on-campus housing has become highly competitive over the years, leaving many freshman students with limited options.

Off-campus rentals aren’t much better, especially for students with financial constraints. The rental market is already having a hard time with local families struggling to keep up with the influx of prices, while the number of out-of-state students only stresses this housing crisis.

Noah Sasaki, a Student Housing Representative, discussed the new rate structure in rent, which has been approved by the University President. “From my understanding, it’s because the cost of living here is high, and for the longest time, we’ve tried to keep it at a lower or standard rate,” Sasaki said. “But at this point, we’re not getting enough revenue to be sufficient and make the necessary adjustments.”

He cited the recent renovations to the Hale Aloha Towers, completed in the summer of 2024, as an example of improvements made possible by an influx of funding from the spring of 2024. Student Housing Services intends to continue renovating older on-campus housing to accommodate more students.

According to Sasaki, undergraduate students should note that Student Housing Services only pertain to the lower campus buildings and upper campus buildings such as Hale Laulima and Hale Kahawai. The rest of the buildings near to campus are UH-affiliated housing options, which do not take from the same pool of revenue used to care for these buildings.

Students who are struggling to find housing options may look forward to the “Economy Triple” which Sasaki says is making a return backed by Student Housing Services, “I don’t believe we have emergency housing, but for UH students looking for short-term stays, we have something called conference housing.” Conference housing is essentially short-term living arrangements close to campus for students or groups affiliated with the school.

Since on-campus housing is so limited, students are prioritized in this order:

  • Students from neighboring islands (ex. Maui, The Big Island)

  • Residents from rural parts of Oahu

  • International Students & Out-of-state Students

  • Locals living closer to campus

Local, International, and out-of-state students who are looking for alternative housing could find off-campus accommodation as an alternative to rising prices. UH-affiliated housing such as Rise would be another option to consider.

Danica Howard shares her experience living at Rise, noting it as a great location for students to interact with others while also being within walking distance away from the main campus. However, some of the cons have to be the increased fares with separate utility costs for first-time renters and unsatisfactory rent for students to share a room.

For off-campus rentals, she notes having more independence and freedom of choice. There are a lot more “adult” responsibilities that some students may find appealing with the process of moving off campus and into their own personal space, such as decorating the way you want and living in a space you like. However, the drawbacks to this are the responsibilities that come with renting a space like making payments on time, respecting the property and its neighbors, and navigating transportation and safety.

Most off-campus options are fairly pricey, especially towards the city which is why having roommates can be another ideal solution for students. By sharing spaces, individuals can split costs. Some off-campus rentals provide utilities and rent under one sum, which can be helpful if you’re a first-time renter.

For Ami Sagara, she preferred to live somewhere close to campus. Through emails provided by Student Housing Services and the advice of some of her peers, she learned that by becoming a Resident Assistant (RA), she could work part-time while also gaining free independent housing. For this reason, competition is high for these positions, but that didn’t discourage Sagara.

Despite being a freshman when she applied, she managed to secure a spot as Hale Lokelani’s 10th-floor RA. This meant that Sagara did not have to worry about dorm fees or the hassle of roommates—one of the many perks of working as an RA.

In the face of rising housing costs and limited availability, Howard, Sagara, and Sasaki all highlight unique approaches in the face of rising costs. From the “Economy Triple,” UH-affiliated housing, moving off-campus with roommates, and becoming an RA, there are still some opportunities for struggling students to find affordable housing in this competitive market. As the housing crisis intensifies, it’s clear that there is a need for more affordable and accessible living options for all students, though students are doing their utmost to diligently pursue higher education in paradise.

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