Hawai'i Foodbank
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Hawai’i lawmakers have proposed a bill that aims to both alleviate food insecurity and support local farmers.
“This bill provides funds to purchase and transport fresh Hawai’i grown produce at no cost to the families who are receiving it,” said Dennis Lin, deputy director for the county of Hawai’i Department of Research and Development.
House Bill 428 does not yet specify how much money would be allocated to the effort.
“After (farmers) harvest their crop, they can distribute their crop to the food banks, and give it to the food-insecure families,” said Lin.
The fresh produce would be sent out immediately to the Hawai’i Foodbank and The Food Basket organizations, and those in charge of these organizations would then ensure the food reaches families in desperate need first.
“It kind of achieves multiple goals, because not only are we feeding people, we can also support farmers, and at the same time, reduce our dependence on imported goods,” said Alex Narrajos, the manager of the Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Program in the City and County of Honolulu’s Office of Economic Revitalization.
These organizations are a huge resource in helping the community find and purchase locally grown groceries as the cost of in-store produce is becoming unaffordable.
“They’re filling a gap that I think the government isn’t able to fulfill and that’s feeding our hungry citizens,” Narrajos said.
Adding to feeding those in need, this bill would also help local farmers, who face challenges of their own in making a living while also trying to lower the reliance we have on imported goods.
30% of people in Hawai’i are considered food insecure, Narrajos said, and many resort to unhealthy fast food options as the cheapest alternative.
“That’s a huge chunk of the population who are either using services that the food bank has or are eligible to, and could use the extra support,” Narrajos said.
Without support, organizations that depend on funding to purchase food from local farms will soon find it difficult to help others.
“It’s really about supporting our local economy,” said Lin.