Our Happy Manila Band
Empanadas & More Empanadas
I found a heavy obsession with empanadas strangely in an unusual place – The Philippines. During our stay in Manila we visited Salcedo Market, Legazpi market and had a walking tour in Binondo. With each stop I’ve done the honor of buying an empanada as each filling had a unique touch of culture.
The first empanada had your classic filling like meat, cheese, and of course a spicy sauce to follow along.The next empanada had ground pork, potatoes, chopped onions, raisins which I found to be the traditional way in the Philippines. The last empanada I had was a mixture of Chinese and Filipino taste and unlike the others was very sweet from the crust to the filling and had an array of vegetables from carrots to peas. As each of these small but delicious foods were different they all had one thing in common-a shared connection to the rich history of the Philippines.
Community is Home
I’ve heard of developing countries but to see it in real life is surreal. I think this trip as much as the experience was awesome. I want to acknowledge that I have a privilege that many people aren’t able to have. Seeing kids as young as six begging for money or wearing no shoes was an unusual sight. However because of my privilege of thinking life’s a breeze I’m blinded from the harsh realities. It made me realize that when I complain such as I’m “poor” or I’m “starving, ” those are insults to those whose lives are surrounded, especially in an underdeveloped country.
However with dark skies there is a rainbow that comes from behind. I noticed something that changed my perspective: if you have your people you can go through life without defeat. Driving through the city I would see kids playing barefoot with their friends or youth without shoes playing in the streets. Though not much, their community was all that they needed to be pleased in life. It may seem like their world was falling apart but these kids seemed resilient and because of that I have a newfound respect not just for Filipinos but any person living in these conditions.
Summer’s addiction to Din Tai Fung
I never heard of Din Tai Fung, a Manila dumpling chain, until I ran into Summer Steinsrud, a fellow UH Manoa with us in Manila, and in the past week I’ve been there three times. It never occurs to me the power food has on you until you’re at the same restaurant three days in a row.
So what’s Summer’s usual order? Well, here’s her favorite tea: 6 piece Spicy pork and shrimp wontons, 5 piece pork xiao long bao, 3 piece chocolate lava xiaolongbao (most important) and to drink she orders the oolong passion fruit tea and specifically doesn’t drink lychee or the boba.
Din Tai Fung has locations in several other countries and even on the US mainland except for Hawaii. I suggested we start a petition to bring the franchise to Hawaii as the foods are amazing for such a small price. PS today is the last day Summer will have Din Tai Fung and so in honor of this special day we eat!
AI Entertaining Younger Generations
Another of my student colleagues, Alyssa Francesca Salceo, was on her own panel at the conference and a good point was made that AI could be used to entertain the younger generation as many are starting to fall off the wagon of News.
Could AI really be used for a positive role in our society?
I believe when it comes to AI that it can be a useful tool for reporters. However when you start to rely heavily on a tool then you become reliant. We watched a Chinese newscast peppered with AI images. I was shocked because this was a real occurrence. But in a weird way it made the delivery of the newscast more interesting.
However, as a lot of panelists pointed out, it’s important to label that pictures are AI and to be open about what’s created by AI and what’s not.
I also agreed with Alyssa’s point on how AI uses and takes credit for certain creative ideas which can bring harm to the local artists. I think there’s a way to have both unique delivery while also making sure everyone is given their rightful credit for their work.